Wednesday, 17 February 2021

What Vaccinations Do I Need For Bali?

What Vaccinations Do I Need For Bali?

If you are planning your trip to Indonesia, you are surely having these types of questions about whether or not it is necessary to vaccinate me with something and in that case, which vaccinations are mandatory. As our goal is always to help you better plan your trip, we are going to leave you all the information you need, practical information so that you know what to do with the subject of vaccines. It is not mandatory to get vaccinated to travel to Bali. However, doctors recommend getting vaccinated for the safety of your health against hepatitis B and typhus. People from South America and Africa have to prove that they have been vaccinated against yellow fever. We recommend that you check with your city's health centre before travelling to any tropical country, so you can find out about the exact vaccines you need.

Indonesia is a country affected by bird flu, therefore it is best to stay away from everything that is related to birds and eggs. You should also be careful with cattle and pork. If you are bitten by a stray animal, seek immediate medical attention, as rabies is a deadly disease if you catch it. Don't eat raw foods, unpeeled fruits, and don't drink any liquids that are not industrially packaged.

What are the most recommended vaccines for Indonesia?

The recommended vaccines to travel to Indonesia would be the vaccine against Hepatitis A and B. The rest of tropical fevers are not easy to have as well as Malaria (unless you travel through very isolated areas of the country and for a long time). As in other countries, you could catch Dengue, but since it does not have a vaccine, you should not worry more than necessary, simply with avoiding mosquito bites during the day and it would help you to prevent it.

Understand that as vaccines are not mandatory, it is your decision to get vaccinated or not, our advice as backpackers is to avoid problems and if you can, you have time, you get vaccinated against the largest number of basic things (total, they will be valid for later trips). If you want these vaccinations, you can visit Travel vaccinations clinics in Uxbridge and Middlesex

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