Tuesday 26 May 2020

Symptoms of Pneumonia and Its Cure

Pneumonia is a disease which hits a person’s respiratory system. Especially affect the airspaces in the lungs. Infection is the usual cause of pneumonia. These infections could be categorized as viral, bacterial or fungal. Technically Streptococcus pneumonia is the most common bacterial type. Pneumonia is rarely a life-threatening disease, but in some cases, it may result to be fatal.

Pneumonia can take a mind, moderate or severe form depending upon the immunity and health condition of the effected individual. The affected person will majorly show the following symptoms:

  • High body temperature(fever)
  • Coughing (may or may not be with phlegm)
  • Sweating or chills
  • Tiredness, fatigue
  • Chest pain (can increase while coughing)
  • Shortness of breath
  • Vomiting or nausea
  • Headache
  • May feel a loss of appetite

An infant or baby suffering from pneumonia may show signs of lethargy, restlessness or vomit. Whereas adult may seem to show signs of mental confusion and other symptoms.

Pneumonia is curable when treated well. Appropriate prescriptions of oral antibiotics can be helpful. A complete course is required to cure it entirely. Leaving it in the middle, when you start feeling better may cause it to become incurable later. Also, the type of medicine would depend on the type of bacteria causing it.

This pneumococcal disease is preventable with the help of pneumonia vaccines. These vaccines reduce the chances of catching pneumonia to a great extent. The following 2 vaccines are helpful:

  • Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine or PCV13
  • Pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine or PPSV23
These vaccines are given at a particular age to safeguard against pneumonia. Children below the age of 2 and adults above the age of 65 do not have a very strong immune system and thus should go for pneumonia vaccination. If you choose to travel to other places you must take proper vaccinations to reduce the chance of spreading or getting affected by diseases. Pneumonia vaccination Hillingdon facility can be your wonderful resource in preventing this disease. Such vaccinations lower the probabilities of spread such communicable diseases.